SI #114 – People Being Dummies

Whole lotta people being dummies right now. We talk CM Punk, Ashton Kutcher/Mila Kunis, BMW, The Challenge USA, Bob’s grand plan for a Master Remote, Toasters,Prey, Hyper Palatable Foods, TV disposal and Starfield.


Theme Music:
Chill Wave Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

SI #113 – Bob Hasn’t Seen Robocop

Alex and Erica beat up on Bob over not having seen Robocop, we discuss Ice Bath Tubs, Privacy Fences, Phones, Nukes for some reason, Saudi Arabia and sports.


Theme Music:
Chill Wave Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

YS100M – Episode 15

The Badger Recap.

Map of the Badger 100:

Check out the other Team Puma Knife Podcasts at, including Subtle Interference which you can find on Spotify and Apple Podcasts or download directly here: SubtleInterference – Team Puma Knife

Theme song courtesy of Pommelsmith

SI #112 – The Gang is Nice to Bob

Alex and Erica are (mostly) nice to Bob and discuss him finishing the Badger 100. We also cover Witcher Season 3, Dishwashers and Refrigerators, and Taco Bell.


Theme Music:
Chill Wave Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

YS100M – Episode 14

The go-home show. Bob and Sass talk about the imminent Badger 100 and how Bob is feeling about it.

Check out the other Team Puma Knife Podcasts at, including Subtle Interference which you can find on Spotify and Apple Podcasts or download directly here: SubtleInterference – Team Puma Knife

Theme song courtesy of Pommelsmith

SI #111 – Twister!

We survive a Tornado, Bob eats some snacks, Erica talks about Witcher, Dishwasher talk, Alex has Microsoft/Activision updates, Writers and Actors strikes.


Theme Music:
Chill Wave Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

YS100M – Episode 13

Bob and Sass discuss Western States, Injury Gate, how the ramp up to Badger is different than Tunnel Hill, a bit of Nutrition talk, Sass’ budding vinyl addiction, and some really cool updates on Sass’ running.

Check out the other Team Puma Knife Podcasts at, including Subtle Interference which you can find on Spotify and Apple Podcasts or download directly here: SubtleInterference – Team Puma Knife

Theme song courtesy of Pommelsmith

SI #110 – The Witcher from Mercury

Witcher Season 3 (the final season?), Spy Family, Reddit, Twitter, evolution of the internet, Supreme Court, Microsoft Vs FTC, OceanGate, AEW, and wrap it up with discussing the finale of Witch from Mercury.


Theme Music:
Chill Wave Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

SI #109 – Brain Rot

Witcher, AEW & CM Punk, Marathon Investigator, Starfield, Reddit, and Alex finally gets to talk about the Witch From Mercury.


Theme Music:
Chill Wave Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

YS100M – Episode 12

Bob and Sass dive into the great question of “why?”

Check out the other Team Puma Knife Podcasts at, including Subtle Interference which you can find on Spotify and Apple Podcasts or download directly here: SubtleInterference – Team Puma Knife

Theme song courtesy of Pommelsmith