IWVT Ep. 17 – Do it for Beatrice!

WELCOME! Every journey begins with its first steps and this episode contains the parties first steps towards their meeting with the Tempered Steel in Bastifiere. There’s horses, oxen, haggling, disembodied voices, brigands, and tasteful nudity. Enjoy!

Let’s hit it and crit it.

Support us at patreon.com/IWVTcast

Music featured in this episode:

Overworld Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

IWVT Ep. 16 – I’m Community Service!

This episode has got it all: courtroom drama, jokes about the 3/5 compromise, impassioned speeches, farts, petty revenge, and animal sacrifice. Basically, there’s something for everyone.

Let’s hit it and crit it.

Support us at patreon.com/IWVTcast

Music featured in this episode:

Overworld Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

IWVT Ep. 15 – The Story So Far

Time for a recap! This will be great for new listeners and any who feel like taking a walk down memory lane. But it aint just a recap! Witness the birth of a fan club, a heartfelt ballad, and a very unexpected turn of events. There’s something here for everyone.

Let’s hit it and crit it.

Support us at patreon.com/IWVTcast

Music featured in this episode:

Overworld Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

IWVT Ep. 14 – APR Stands For Always Punch Racists

So much happens in this episode, here’s a snapshot: interrogation, more of Olash’s butt rankings, new spells, magic items, street fights, corruption, and political ambitions. There’s something for everyone, so put it in your earholes!

Let’s hit it and crit it.

Support us at patreon.com/IWVTcast

Music featured in this episode:

Overworld Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

IWVT Ep. 13 – Doorn It!

We’re back to the main story! Listen in for a big announcement and to find out how VDAS makes it out of Skutch’s clutches.

Let’s hit it and crit it.

Support us at patreon.com/IWVTcast

Music featured in this episode:

Overworld Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

IWVT – Ep. 12 – Lost Story – Bedeviled Eggs

It’s a girls day as we follow Aaoewyn and Olash on a ladies only adventure from before the campaign started.

Let’s hit it and crit it.

Support us at patreon.com/IWVTcast

Music featured in this episode:

Overworld Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

IWVT Ep. 11 – Meanwhile – A Tall Gentleman

Welcome to episode 11! Prepare for the epic conclusion to this tangent as the Tine fights their way out of the bandit encampment. Will there be fire? Yup. Surprises? You betcha! A flower pot? …Probably.

Aaron plays Ekadius, the Tiefling Paladin.

Jon plays Safphira Krisreith, the Half Elf Wizard.

Nicole plays Hobson Bracegirdle, the Halfling Sorcerer.

Let’s hit it and crit it.

Support us at patreon.com/IWVTcast

Music featured in this episode:

Overworld Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

IWVT Ep. 10 – Meanwhile – Operation Cave A-Go-Go

Hello everyone and welcome to something a little bit different! We were without one of our companions for this session, so we decided to explore a different corner of the world. Join us to see what a special operations team from the ORE can do!

Aaron plays Ekadius, the Tiefling Paladin.

Jon plays Safphira Krisreith, the Half Elf Wizard.

Nicole plays Hobson Bracegirdle, the Halfling Sorcerer.

ALSO: We’ve officially launched our Patreon! Check it out at patreon.com/IWVTcast and support the show that you clearly love!

Let’s hit it and crit it.

Music featured in this episode:

Overworld Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License